Friday, June 27, 2008

Summer Pharmacy Internship-Day 4

Today marked the end of a looooong first week back to work. I woke up to my alarm, still drowsy from my deep sleep, and soon realized that my lower back was sore and thighs very painful with every step. "Great! That's what I get for trying to be healthy," I was thinking to myself.

I was hoping for another easy day at work while driving in the lighter-than-normal LA traffic. I wish I was one of those lucky enough to be warm and cozy in bed on this Friday morning. Unfortunately, work started right away, even though I got in about 15 minutes earlier than my scheduled time (9am), and continued on non-stopped until lunch, which was close to 2 pm. I was completely out of fuel and in exhaustion by then, but had resume work after about twenty minutes later. My work day did no end until twenty minutes after six, by which time, I could barely walk without causing pain to my body, from the waist down.

I'm so glad tomorrow is Saturday and I will get to recharge for the next two days! Phew! What a week!

1 comment:

Florence said...

I started on COPD Herbal treatment from Ultimate Health Home, the treatment worked incredibly for my lungs condition. I used the herbal treatment for almost 4 months, it reversed my COPD. My severe shortness of breath, dry cough, chest tightness gradually disappeared. Reach Ultimate Health Home via their website I can breath much better and It feels comfortable!